Thursday, March 11, 2021

A Few Words About The Ushering: AMBER

 A Few Words About The Ushering: AMBER

It is August 1969, and Arland Loveless is tired of his parents and everyone else treating him like a freak just because he has amber eyes. His best friend, Roger Reynolds, feels abused because his parents ignore him. After finding common ground with the school bully, Jimmy Dugan, the three boys decide to run away for the weekend to enjoy a rock festival called Woodstock.  They think they are escaping their abusive home environments, but fate has a way of intervening. Unseen forces sidetrack the boys, and soon they find that destiny has chosen them to champion a war between powerful angels. Endowed with supernatural gifts, the teens face fallen angels and horrific demons to stop the ushering in of the unholy one who comes in the name of the Lord of Hell. Will these angelic gifts with which they are endowed be enough to stop this fateful event? Will they be able to resist evil’s charms?