Thursday, December 26, 2019

My friend Liam Shea's Short Story 'A Summer of Change' Hits Amazon's Shelves Dec 27th

Today is the last day for preorder to get my friend Liam Shea's short story 'A Summer of Change.' Tomorrow, December 27th, it is officially on the bookshelves for sale. Order your copy before the New Year. In the story something happens in January that changes little Richard's life forever. One would expect changes in the summer but not in January. Summers are where one changes from a sixth grader to a seventh grader. Summers are when one's very skin changes and gets darker from the sun. Summer is the time for change, not the dead of winter. The dead—that is the perfect word for it.

Click this link to go to

Available in both paperback and e-book formats.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Garden and Arts Craft Fair was GREAT!

It was terrific to see my fans and sign books for people at the Garden and Arts Craft Fair this past weekend. Loved the people who came through and talking about my books and art. Can't wait for the next one.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Coming up this weekend Dec.6th and 7th, Friday and Saturday...

Hello again, I want to remind everyone about my being at the Lubbock Garden and Arts Center for their Holiday Arts and Craft Fair coming up this weekend. Everyone come out for a great time.
42nd and University Ave. Friday evening 5:00pm to 9:00pm and 9:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday. 

As some of your know I'm not only an author but also an illustrator. I will have some posters of my work for sale as well. Here are a few of the images I have drawn or painted and turned into posters.

And don't forget my new book for children which I will have available with a special Christmas Bonus Packet. I don't have many of the bonus packets so hurry out to see me at the Craft Fair.

42nd and University Ave. Friday evening 5:00pm to 9:00pm and 9:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday.