Friday, May 24, 2019

Selling and signing books this August at the 2019 AMA-CON

This is an advanced announcement:
I will be selling and signing books this August at the 2019 AMA-CON. It will be a blast. I'm so looking forward to seeing all my friends there. Lots of Cosplay and fun. I will be at a booth sponsored by the LWRCG associated with Mamma Rom's Exotica where you can find gifts and treasures of all kinds.

We'll talk more about the event as it gets closer to August. 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Take advantage of these Spring bargain days.

Spies Lie & Spies Die just finished a 3 day free promotional. Later I'll announce when the last 2 days will be happening for that book. Premeditated Pandemonium is on sale at the moment. Regular price $19.99 and now $16.9.9 Take advantage of these Spring bargain days and enjoy a great book at a great price. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Just a bit of fun

New Orleans meets the old west. Well, sort of - but all in fun.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

What writing a novel is like...

Special Offer - Get a free e-copy of one of my books and leave a review.

My Book Spies Lie and Spies Die, which is my best selling title, will be on a special book giveaway sponsored by Amazon. Look for it on amazon between May 7th and May 9th to get your free e-copy and enjoy. Be sure and write a good review of the book for me.