Friday, March 12, 2021

Finding the Hero in the Ushering: AMBER

 In my new novel The Ushering: AMBER, heroism is a big topic, and especially when it comes to everyday people. In our world we have proven that not all heroes wear capes, tights and masks. The most effective heroes are incognito. They walk silently among us without fanfare or fame. They even hide their superpower -- bravery. The teens in AMBER don't wear costumes. They hardly realize what's happening to them and they certainly don't have a design emblazoned on their chests. None the less, they are superheroes and their greatest weapon is faith; bravery doesn't hurt either. Lets get out the magnifying glass for a moment and look at our lives. There is someone around us who is depending on us to step up and be the hero. Will we let them down and let the failure haunt us the rest of our lives? Will we learn to ignore our failure and become bitter? Or, will we be the heroes we were always meant to be?

A word about angel culture.

In my novel The Ushering: AMBER, I show a part or slice of what I call angel culture. Personally, I think angels must have some kind of culture even though the Bible doesn't describe it. And if there is an angel culture then it stands to reason that the fallen angels would have a different kind of culture. That culture is at the core of the war that rages between the fallen and the favored. Now these angels in my book are not the meek and mild version, but rather, the kick ass kind with amazing powers. The thing is the favored angels can only wage war at their Master's command. That Master of course is God, and it would seem that He has them on a short leash because they are not his favorite instruments. Humanity is His favorite tool. In this story we see the origin of the chosen's power. The Lord has chosen teenagers to use to bend the elements of evil to His will. Teenagers who are shaped/damaged by their home life. They're full of anger, bitterness, and flawed in multiple ways. They didn't do anything to prove themselves worthy of God's gifts. In fact most modern Christians would think that they were undeserving. But that is just how God works. Our goodness is like filthy rags to God because only God is perfect. 

Let's take a close look at who was chosen in the Bible and see how perfect they were. Samson was a womanizer and a rebel who preferred the ways of the philistines over his own. Peter was a coward and a liar. Moses stuttered, and he didn't have the faith to lead without his brother at his side. Abraham had a problem following directions. The very first command God gave him was to leave his Father and go into the wilderness, and what did he do? He took Daddy with him. The next thing we know Daddy is dead. The list goes on and on with some of the stories graphicly horrible. Well, my characters smoke, cuss, and argue. They rebel against authority and fight their desire to give into evil. Actually, I think they are an accurate metaphor for humanity in general.

The moon is in the second cycle, the ides be upon us soon.


Thursday, March 11, 2021

A Few Words About The Ushering: AMBER

 A Few Words About The Ushering: AMBER

It is August 1969, and Arland Loveless is tired of his parents and everyone else treating him like a freak just because he has amber eyes. His best friend, Roger Reynolds, feels abused because his parents ignore him. After finding common ground with the school bully, Jimmy Dugan, the three boys decide to run away for the weekend to enjoy a rock festival called Woodstock.  They think they are escaping their abusive home environments, but fate has a way of intervening. Unseen forces sidetrack the boys, and soon they find that destiny has chosen them to champion a war between powerful angels. Endowed with supernatural gifts, the teens face fallen angels and horrific demons to stop the ushering in of the unholy one who comes in the name of the Lord of Hell. Will these angelic gifts with which they are endowed be enough to stop this fateful event? Will they be able to resist evil’s charms?

Can you feel it approaching?


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The days are ticking away.

 The days are ticking away... little by little... minute by minute... hour by hour.
Beware the Ides of March. The Ushering is coming.