If this new book Midday's Starless Midnight were turned into movie it would get an R rating because of the language. The character who is the leader of the motorcycle gang talks rough as so he should, I believe the audience would expect that. The book is also not really an adventure story but more of a quest. It is alternative or speculative fiction, certainly not mystery. Taking all this in consideration It will make a difference in how I believe my audience would see my other books.
J.K. Rowling writes fantasy under her own name and detective mystery under another. This is something professional writers have been doing whenever they change their writing genera. So, after taking all the counseling from my friends and looking at what other writers are doing when they change genera, I decided to publish this book under a pen name, a non de plume. So look for the works of Liam Shea on your amazon shelf. You might need to plug the name into the search as he is a new writer. LOL.
Coming soon to Amazon.com