February is a slam-dunk month for great giveaways.
Mark your calendar for these extra
special free eBooks by Dan-Dwayne.
Starting the run of freebies is a Valentine’s
Day special for, Midday’s Starless Midnight. Liam Shea writes about the misfortunes of two honeymooners who
stumble into the terrorist takeover of Carlsbad Cavern’s. This event actually
happened on July 10th of 1979. Read about how unlucky events lead
them into the unfortunate situation and why the criminal planned it. This novel
will be free from February 12th to the 14th, Valentine’s
special will be followed by my 4 ½ star rated novella, Pawns in the Power of Kings, which will be free from February 15th to the 17th. One reader posted this review: Looking for a mystery thriller worth your time? Dive into a tangle of crooked politicians, beautiful women. Intermingled with Icons of a warped justice system. All dancing from the golden strings of the puppet masters. If you crave mystery, murder and spies this is your book.
That is truly
a great special, but there are still great giveaways to come… Next is a free
offer by Liam Shea. His short story, A Summer of Change, will be free from
February 18th to the 20th.
terrific run of free eBooks will be finished up by a free offer for my newly reedited and rewritten novel, The Secret King. If you have a copy of this book
please be sure you get the update (it should be free from amazon) because this
new edit is far better than the last edition. You will notice the improvement
from the first page on. I’m expecting its 4 star rating to jump to 5 stars.
advantage of these great offers this month. Put a note in your sweetheart’s
candy box telling your valentine that their copy is in their email. Then leave
a promissory note that they will get the whole set of books that follows. You
don’t have to tell them they were free.
This offer available at only. Log in and download your free eBook today.